SingWith Us


The Royal Leamington Spa Bach Choir has gone from strength to strength since emerging from lockdown, and is looking forward to a new and exciting chapter in its history under the leadership of our new Musical Director, Jim Bate.

We usually perform four concerts each season in and around Royal Leamington Spa, offering a diverse and challenging range of music from the Renaissance through to the contemporary, and encompassing UK premières and little known pieces alongside well-loved choral classics. Elsewhere on this website you can find out more about our recent successes, and the concerts we have planned for the future. You can also learn more about our Musical Director and conductor Jim Bate, and our rehearsal accompanist and repetiteur Colin Druce.

If you think you might like to be part of this dynamic and exciting choir, you would be most welcome to come along to one of our open rehearsals, held at the start of each term, and try us out. These open rehearsals provide us with an opportunity to welcome potential new recruits to sing with us on a trial basis, without obligation. If you then decide you would like to join us, we will ask you to take a simple audition.

We are particularly keen to recruit more gentlemen to the tenor and bass sections of our choir, but all new recruits are very welcome.

The next open rehearsal will be held at the start of the autumn term, on Wednesday 4 September 2024, at our usual rehearsal venue - see below. Auditions for prospective new members will be held soon afterwards - details TBC.

Please get in touch via our contact page (please click here).


When and where are rehearsals?

During Warwickshire school term-time, rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 7.30 to 9.45pm in the Oak Hall at Lillington Nursery and Primary School, Cubbington Road, Lillington, Leamington Spa CV32 7AG. There is ample free parking in the school playground, but please be careful on your way in and out, as the access road is only wide enough for one car at a time.

Normally there is a short break in the middle of the rehearsal, when tea, coffee and cake are offered for sale, and we also have a raffle to support choir funds. Members are expected to attend a minimum number of rehearsals, to ensure that we maintain a high standard of performance. In addition to weekly practices, we also arrange occasional Saturday workshops.

Can I try it out?

The first two rehearsals of each term are open rehearsals, when we welcome potential new recruits to come and sing with us on a trial basis, to decide whether you would like to join us and take an audition (see below). Please get in touch beforehand via the Contact Us page, so that we know to expect you and can make sure we have copies of the music available for you.

Can I join in the middle of a term?

Normally it will not be possible to join the choir after the first two open rehearsals each term, as we will then be working toward our next concert. However, if you miss the start of term and would like to join us at the next opportunity, please get in touch via the Contact Us page to let us know you're interested. We will then keep your contact details on file, and make sure we tell you in good time when the next open rehearsals will be.

Do I have to pass an audition?

In order to join the choir and sing in our concerts, it is necessary to take an audition. This will usually take place after two or three weeks, and will involve some voice exercises, simple sight reading, and a short demonstration of your singing and ability to keep in tune. Existing members are re-auditioned every three years to ensure that the choir maintain its high standards.

If this sounds serious, please don't be alarmed - as well as striving for choral perfection, we also like to enjoy ourselves along the way! Auditions will be around 15 minutes, and will take place in private with the Musical Director. He will give you plenty of time to warm up and do yourself justice. There are no 'trick questions' - he wants you to be successful. If you have a favourite audition piece, please bring it along, but if you haven't auditioned lately or ever before, a verse of a hymn or a simple song is fine.

What does it cost to join?

The Royal Leamington Spa Bach Choir is a registered charity, and all members are asked to make a contribution towards the costs of the Choir's activities via an annual subscription. Full membership of the choir costs £192 per year, payable in full in September, or in three or four equal parts by Standing Order during the year. After a successful audition, new members who join part way through the year pay a pro-rata amount for the remaining term(s).

Attendance at open rehearsals is free of charge, and as a new member you will pay nothing until you have passed your audition and decided to join the choir. Music scores for each concert can either be bought through the Choir, or ordered as hire copies for a small charge through the Choir Librarian.


Lillington Nursery and
Primary School (Oak Hall)
Cubbington Road
Leamington Spa
CV32 7AG

Wednesdays: 19:30-21:45
(please note that rehearsal times may be subject to change)

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© 2020 - 2024 Royal leamington Spa Bach Choir

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